Recommended in case of:

  • bacterial vaginosis as an adjuvant in topical treatment to rebalance the normal vaginal
  • conditions of increased infections risks in gynecology (post hysterectomy,hysteroscopies, endometrites) and in obstetrics (post abortion or post partum, post premature rupture of membranes or preterm labor) to restore the physiological vaginal pH.

One vaginal tablet a day – preferably in the evening before going to bed – for 10 days.

The most common risk factors for alteration of the vaginal microbiota are:

  • Bacterial vaginosis
  • Recurrent urinary tract infections
  • Sexually transmitted diseases
  • Prolonged antibiotic treatment
  • Intrauterine devices
  • Gynecological operations
  • Obstetric diseases with increased infectious risk
  • Menopause
  • Obstructive constipation and irritable bowel syndrome

Eutylia Elle vaginal tablet, thanks to its active ingredients is indicated as an adjuvant in maintaining the physiological trophism of the anus-genital mucous membrane.

Abundant polysaccharide in the body that allows you to maintain a correct tissue hydration, thanks to its intrinsic capacity to bind numerous water molecules. It improves the compactness and rehydration of the tissues and promotes the repairing processes.
Asian Centella is a herbaceous plant rich in numerous active ingredients such as triterpenes and derivatives, flavonoids, tannins. It was demonstrated that the centella acts positively on the connective tissue, improving the repair processes and strengthening the tone and elasticity of the blood vessels.
Calendula (Calendula officinalis) is a perennial herb plant from the Asteraceae family, rich in active ingredients including vitamin C, flavonoids, resins, mucilages, carotenoids, triterpenes and saponins. It has an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and healing action on the skin and mucous. Recent studies have shown that antibiotic activity, due to flavonoids and saponins, is directed in particular against Gram positive bacteria, such as Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus betahaemolyticus.
Chamomile, or Matricaria Recutita, belongs to the Asteraceae (Composite) family; it boasts spasmolytic (for internal use) and soothing (for external use) properties. The soothing action in the detergent is useful for eliminating those annoying sensations of local dryness present especially in menopause.
Glycyrrhetinic acid (or better, 18-β-glycyrrhetinic acid) is a triterpene organic acid extracted from licorice, having a structure similar to hormones ones. Its topical application allows a softening, moderately anti-inflammatory soothing activity, thanks to the ability to hook themselves to the same steroid receptors and function similarly. The topical benefit is gradual and long lasting. It has a complex structure that includes a fraction with cortison-like activity but without the side effects and risks associated with use of the cortisone. Glycyrrhetinic acid exerts an anti-inflammatory action both indirectly enhancing endogenous corticosteroids, through a slowdown in their catabolism, and through the inhibition of the production of oxygen free radicals, powerful phlogogenic agents, by the neutrophil granulocytes. It also exerts a protective and anti-allergic action by inhibiting the release of histamine, leukotrienes, PGE2 and bradykinin.
Lactic acid is an organic acid belonging to the category of alpha hydroxy acids, with properties of exfoliant, humectant and pH regulator.
It is the antioxidant vitamin par excellence, it protects the lipids of cell membranes, the main target of free radicals. Typically the Vitamin E has a moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and soothing action.

EuTylia Elle Vaginal Tablet is a medical device that helps maintain the natural defenses of the vagina and to promote the recovery of the normal vaginal lactobacillary flora. After puberty, the vagina is inhabited by a peculiar ecosystem made up of commensal microorganisms called Doderlein bacillus that produce lactic acid and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), substances that help keep the vaginal pH low (about 4). They produce, in addition, chemicals (bacteriocins, lactocins) that further defend the ecosystem vaginal from pathogenic germs that can cause recurrent vaginitis and cystitis. A reduction in vaginal acidity causes a change in the dominant microorganisms ecosystem. Doderlein’s bacillus disappears or becomes marginal while another generally minority bacillus increases, it is called Gardnerella or Haemophilus and causes a fermentation of the vaginal substances, causing irritation, vaginal and urinary burning and vaginal malodorous secretions.
Recent publications have shown that a vaginal abnormal microbiota could cause an abnormal implant in women who undergo assisted fecundation techniques with consequent poor reproductive results.

The pillars of prevention and therapy are: vaginal and / or oral probiotics to restore the Biofilm, friends of lactobacilli; physiotherapy to relax the pelvic floor to prevent the penetration bladder trauma that predisposes to postcoital cystitis; treatment of obstructive constipation and irritable bowel syndrome, to contribute to the overall rebalancing of the different types of microbiota important for health, also through the improvement of intestinal regularity; restoration of the correct level of estrogen in the vagina, to optimize the soil on which lactobacilli act; use of intimate detergents with acid pH, appropriate for fertile age and hormonal status.

Thanks to its special formulation containing hyaluronic acid and lactic acid, Eutylia Elle vaginal tablets help to restore a balanced ecosystem to the vagina and to bring the vaginal pH back to ideal values for genital health.

Fig.1 Untreated vaginal dysbiosis increases susceptibility of the woman to infections, with increased risk of implantation failure and obstetric complications. A preventive protection of vaginal balance, or correction of dysbiotic state, is essential to protect female health.




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